Monday, February 8, 2010

Maanantai (Monday)

This is what I made at school today:

In case it's not readily apparent, that's a process based growth model using the McMurtrie and Wolf equation showing carbon allocation between fine roots, stem, and foliage within a forest stand as a function of time.

I also learned today that we've been eating in the "uncool" cafeteria up until now. Apparently, all the other forestry students eat in a certain cafeteria. I'm glad I found this out while there is still time. Hopefully I didn't ruin my chances of being one of the cool kids.

I had my first Finnish sauna today! Finland loves its saunas. There are over 2 million; an average of one per household. I didn't enjoy it too much at the time. It was REALLY hot - 200 degrees Fahrenheit!  I made the mistake of leaving my earrings in and they started to burn my ears. And I got really bored and didn't have anything to distract me from thinking about how hot I was. But, after I got out and stood under a cold shower for a while, I felt AMAZING. And even now, 4 hours later, I don't think I've ever been so aware of my body feeling relaxed. It was that good.

Now for some random Finland pictures that didn't fit in anywhere else.

Hauling away the snow:

I was really hoping the word on the top of this advertisement was the Finnish version of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (which, now that I think about it, would have to be at least 200 letters long to even seem like a long word in Finnish). But I translated it, and it just means favorite.

At least this word is recognizable:

The beautiful stem of a Norway spruce:

What happens when you go off the trail to take a picture of a tree:

A cheerful construction barrior:


  1. I want to print out your process based growth model and put it on my fridge!

  2. If I may quote Pinky here, I'd like to say, "you're fun to know, Kesi"

  3. Hi Kesi, My niece Amelia just directed me here and I'm so glad she did. I'm loving your pictures and commentary!
