Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Visit to Viikki Campus

Today was filled with all sorts of escapades, which leave me with lots to talk about, but very little energy for writing. So this will be more of a photo essay.

I spent most of the day exploring my new campus. It is so nice! I would almost say it's nicer than Warren Wilson. Almost. If someone could just move all the buildings from Viikki to the Swannanoa Valley, and give Western North Carolina a little more snow, and less rain and ice in the winter, that would be ideal!
I took too many pictures to post on the blog (you'd be scrolling for hours), so I'm just going to put a link to my Picasa web album. There are comments and stuff on the pictures there:

Viikki Campus
 Other news that happened today: I did not get a humidifier (and spent about 3 hours in the "Hyper-Market"), but I did get a cell phone. So now if you want to call me in Finland my number is: 0466181706. But don't because 1: it would be really expensive and you should just call me on my skype number instead (540-908-3493). And 2: I don't know how to work my phone because it's all in Finnish! And the words in Finnish are so long they don't fit on the screen so they have to abbreviate them and therefore I can't look them up! Even the two simple choices: "yes" and "no," and "select" and "back" took me forever to figure out (and your Finnish lesson for the day: kyllä, ei, valitset, and takaisin). But what I'm selecting and what I'm saying yes to, I have no idea. And one of the main things I need this phone for is as an alarm to wake me up in the morning. So I kind of set something I think, but it's probably going to be one of those things that goes off every hour, and I won't be able to figure out how to turn it off. This isn't the last you'll hear of the phone, I can guarantee.

And for the laundry (because I know everyone's been waiting all day to hear how my laundry experience went), I did do it, and me and my clothes survied, but that is all I can tell you now. I took a video of the process and can't, at the moment, figure out how to post it. So I keep you in rapt anticipation for a while more...

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