Monday, January 11, 2010

My first Monday in Finland

It is extremely dry in my room. I've filled every shallow container I could find with water and placed them all around my room, but I don't think it's helping much. I even cooked a big pot of beans with the lid off for the sole purpose of creating steam. I think tomorrow might involve a trip to buy a humidifier.

I had another orientation today. This one was just with the College (Faculty, as they call it here) of Agriculture and Forestry. It was pretty boring and useless, but I still really like the feel of this place and the people are nice, friendly, and laid-back. And they were so excited that we (Alex and I) were American! Apparently they have never had an American in their college before. At first they thought they had, but then they realized that was a Canadian. I am so good at creating diversity wherever I go (Society of American Foresters Diversity Ambassador 2008, woot! woot!). But then during the talk about "being a leader in your field; taking the knowledge you learn here and bringing it to the world, etc, etc," the speaker pointed to me and said, "just like when President Bush left in your country and now we will have to see what kind of a leader Obama will be." And I was just like, "um, yeah." Awkward.

I got two new suitemates today: Conny from the Netherlands, and Fleur from Estonia (who I'm pretty sure is a descendant of Galadriel's and probably competed in the Triwizard Tournament. Oh, and her job: she plays the harp. Professionally). They are both really nice and I'm excited about getting to know them more. And maybe I'll even be invited to Lothlórien for the weekend!

And now for the pictures of the day, entitled:

Those Clever Scandinavians

Over the sink in my apartment is a cabinet with wire drying racks instead of shelves. That way you can wash your dishes, put them to dry, and close the doors. You don't have to look at them and the drips just fall in the sink!

I know what you're thinking... "Those clever Scandinavians..."

The hot water pipes in my shower somehow lace themselves into this functional towel rack. But this is a multipurpose towel rack! Not only is it a great place to hang your towel after a shower, you can also warm your towel on it beforehand! And it keeps the bathroom nice and toasty.

Once again... "Those clever Scandinavians..."

Brace yourselves; tomorrow's entry is going to be one for the record books. The theme, "doing the laundry." And if that doesn't sound exciting to you, or you think I'm kidding, I have one word for you: centrifuge.

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