Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunnuntai (Sunday)

Snowy again today, but not as cold. I spent most of the day working on my thesis (I am in school after all).

Every year Helsinki hosts the documentary film festival DocPoint. It's been running all week and today was the final day. Alex and I went to a screening of a German/Mongolian film called The Two Horses of Genghis Khan. It was really beautiful and also quite funny at times. It was neat being in a movie theater in Finland, laughing along with all the Finn's at a German/Mongolia movie. It was also very helpful that the movie was subtitled in English.

I found out afterwards that it was directed by the same person who also made one of my very favorite movies, The Cave of the Yellow Dog (also Mongolian. I love Mongolia. Plus, the kids in it are REALLY cute).

At the movie theater they had one of those bulk candy bins where you can just take a bag and fill it with whatever mixture of candy you want. I went a little crazy and now I feel sick. And the theater had two levels, so you could sit on the regular ground level or up in the balcony. We didn't realize there was a balcony until it was too late, but next time I'm totally hitting that up. And they had really plush, wide, comfortable sets. That was my first movie theater experience in another country!

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